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As one might expect, TMUG members have many diverse interests beyond their shared interest in the Mac OS computing experience. Their web sites are likely to reflect the diversity of those interests.
In an effort to help our members learn more about each other, this page is provided for links to sites submitted by TMUG members. Some are personal sites created by our member or featuring the talents of our member, and some are commercial sites for businesses either owned by our members or for which our members serve as webmasters. We hope you will find something of interest here, or better yet, an interest shared with a TMUG member.
If you are a TMUG member and would like to add your site to this listing, please use this link to send an email to Bob Wood, TMUG Pres. and contact point for this service.
Living with art is good for you
Curt has a lifelong interest in art, photography, drawing, graphic design, and is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design with a degree in illustration. He's also TMUG's secretary.
His portfolio website is where he keeps and displays some of his work.
Salt Corner
Salt Corner is a marine aquarium consulting business known worldwide - local services available. Its website, contains ‘The LIVING Marine Aquarium Manual,’ a book I’ve written describing hobby from A – Z. (300,000 words/over 1100 photos) It’s FREE and can be read in many languages other than English! Website contains contact page.
Designs by Gretchen
Artist Gretchen Lima creates cloth/mixed media sculptures or dolls in many different themes of empowered women.
Thom's Home Page
My site contains links, original and other, to topics of interest to me, including FBI, Society of Former FBI agents, Society of FBI Alumni, Barbershop singers, Sons of Orpheus, xgboys, one of 7 listservs I maintain, Mac Gorray's MacIntosh, McGorray's Genealogy, an Electronic Resume, Arizona and Tucson sites etc.
Web site development, Page Layout and Print Services, Macintosh consulting, troubleshooting, training and digital photography services.
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are Property of their respective owners.
This page last updated March 16, 2025